5 Lifestyle Choices to Heal Low Energy

As a follow-up to my last blog post on tips to increase energy, I thought I would add some lifestyle choices that we can help to heal low energy.

1. De-StressI could write a whole article about stress management and its effect on energy. When our stress level is continuously heightened, our nervous system remains in ‘fight or flight mode,' meaning the rest and repair our body needs doesn’t happen. It is as if we kept driving a car and never put gas in the tank... sooner or later, it will break down. There are a number of techniques I frequently recommend to help patients manage stress and engage the parasympathetic nervous system, the part responsible for rest and repair. Some of these techniques include taking long, deep breaths, timeouts, taking a walk, and activities that help us slow down for a few minutes. In addition to these more immediate stress management tools, I also encourage people to find some downtime, whether that means taking a vacation or simply taking a break from electronics.

2. Spend time outsideWe’ve always heard the positive health benefits received from spending time in the great outdoors, and now they are starting to be understood. When we are outside, we are exposing ourselves to quality air, sunlight, and negative ions. Alone, each one of these help to improve our mood, lift energy levels, and overall have a biological benefit for the body. When we experience these elements in unison, the effect is compounded even further.

3. Spend time with loved onesIf you have any question about this one, ask a grandparent to tell you about the last time they saw their grandchildren. You immediately see their eyes light up and their whole body become energized as they tell you the story. Any pain or fatigue they were feeling, are suddenly not an issue anymore. Spending quality time with people and pets we love and care for can have a tremendous benefit on overall energy.

4. Do something that brings you joyHobbies and recreational activities create a freedom from stagnation that restricts our energy. This stagnation can be caused by schedules, deadlines, responsibilities or other things that make us feel bound. Spending time doing something that brings us joy, even if it’s only for a few minutes, can provide a new perspective and help energy flow more freely.

5. Play and movementWhen we move, we increase blood flow and oxygen through the body. We also promote the elimination of waste and toxins. When it’s playful, we move without willing it to happen and we combine laughter and joy into the occasion. It’s the difference between 20 minutes on the treadmill versus 20 minutes playing a game of tag with your 5-year-old. That same time can seem like forever in the former, or fly by in the latter.


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