Do You Remember the KISS Principal?

I grew up in the 70s and 80s.  I remember more than once my father referencing the K.I.S.S. Principal, keep it simple stupid. While I appreciate the sentiment I’d prefer to change the sentiment a little. I actually think there’s intelligence in simplicity, there’s smarts, brains, sophistication.  While yes there is such a thing as oversimplification but there’s also purity and richness in simple.  When it comes to healing pain naturally remember simple things like proper hydration, adequate sleep, appropriate movement and balanced nutrition go along way in promoting the balance our bodies need.  In our modern world we often look externally for complex solutions to help with our pain, disease and chronic illness.  And, while labs and imaging are incredibly valuable so are your own observations, no one knows your body better than you.  Tune in and discover simple solutions to help with pain, dis-ease and chronic illness..  What’s your body telling you? Where can you create simple changes to promote balance and support healing?


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