5 simple ways to ease seasonal headaches

Seasonal headaches happen to almost all of us, and winter can be particularly brutal for those who experience them often. Common causes of these headaches include stress, hormones, diet, weather changes, and allergies. They may take the form of migraines, cluster headaches, allergy headaches or tension headaches. When we understand why we are getting headaches in the first place, we can take steps to prevent them and reduce severity via natural treatments. 

Why are headaches more severe between seasons? 

When the season changes from winter to spring, we tend to rejoice at the renewal of energy, the colorful flowers, and the warmer temperatures. But for many of us, this transition (and other seasonal changes) also brings suffering in the form of sinus pressure and headaches. And during winter you have the added problems of colds, cases of flu, and the onset of spring allergies. This is because, pressure-wise, there tends to be a bit of a “yo-yo” effect, and drastic changes can contribute to imbalances in the body.Here are a few things that you can do to ease the discomfort of seasonal headaches and related health problems. Read More: The Cold Remedy I Recommend to Everyone to Heal Naturally

Drink Water All Day 

There are disputes floating around about whether we actually “need” 8 glasses of water a day, and some of us need more water than others, depending on our particular systems and health problems. But since dehydration is sometimes the cause of both chronic and acute headaches, and drinking more clean, filtered, fresh water every day will not do any harm!Here are a few suggestions to keep you drinking: 

  • Make your daily walk a water cooler visit

  • Keep a large reusable insulated water bottle or mug on your desk at work or home

  • Keep several bottles of clean water full in the pantry.

  • Opt for sugar-free, natural drinks like tea or mineral water when you feel thirsty

  • Try adding lemon or other fruit to water to create healthier drink options

Generally, if you’re feeling a headache coming on in the early afternoon, try to head for freshwater sources instead of caffeine, sugar or aspirin!  

Track Your Caffeine Intake 

Many of us are caffeine “addicts” and it’s no wonder: this is one of the least expensive ways to get a “boost.” And although for most of us, having one or two cups of coffee in the morning is one of the least harmful addictions, it’s worth investigating whether or not this could be contributing to your discomfort. If you’ve ever experienced the “mid-afternoon fatigue,” bear in mind that this could very well be you “crashing” after your morning caffeine boost.  Consider instead switching slowly to drink options with less caffeine and replacing that second cup with green or black tea. This is easier on your stomach and system. 

Pay Attention To Sleep Habits 

According to the CDC, adults should be getting at least seven hours of sleep for optimal functioning and health, but at least 35% of US adults report getting less than this. And recent information from the NHS confirms that too little sleep can lead to health problems beyond headaches, like heart disease and diabetes.  Here are some tips for helping to ensure a good night’s rest. 

  • Use a sleep tracker app

  • Consider natural holistic treatments like acupuncture

  • Create a healthy bedtime routine

Remember that the key is to get seven to eight hours of quality sleep.

Exercise and a Balanced Diet 

If your headache is caused by stagnant Qi energy, you can help get it moving by simple exercises like walking. And if a health professional determines that you have some sort of nutritional deficiency, re-assessing your diet and choosing more nutritious, whole foods could be the key to minimizing or preventing seasonal headaches.  

Try Acupuncture to Relieve Seasonal Headaches 

If you’re struggling with headaches and haven’t yet considered Acupuncture, schedule a free consultation to learn more about how Acupuncture might help.We approach every patient’s situation as unique and aim to treat the underlying imbalance in the body rather than just nullifying the symptoms. If you want help reducing pain naturally, book a free consultation today! 

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6 Common Exercise Myths Debunked (And What to Do Instead)

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This article was originall published April 22nd 2016, and has since been updated. 


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